Shopping Bags Mart


Shopping Bags Mart

As manufacturer of retail packaging and gift packaging products, Shopping Bags Mart specialize in manufacturing custom paper bags,luxury paper bags,euro tote bags,kraft paper bags,rigid boxes and foldable boxes,also wholesale gift boxes,foldable gift boxes,kraft gift boxes and nested gift boxes.All bags and boxes at Shopping Bags Mart can be customized coming in any size and color to fit different ends.High quality, cheap price and fast turn around are the advantages to buy paper bags and gift boxes from Shopping Bags Mart

Luxury Paper Bags

Luxury paper bags are not only as premium shopping bags and promotional bags, but also as symbol of business and products, because quality custom printed luxury paper bags can add more quality confidence and value into brand and products. 

Shopping Bags Mart is reputable manufacturer of luxury paper bags,luxury shopping bags,luxury carrier bags. Shopping Bags Mart offer wide range of paper,handle to build quality bags and can print any color of custom logo and image on luxury paper bags,Shopping Bags Mart also can use hot stamping,embossing,spot uv varnish to print and highlight custom logo,accent pattern on luxury paper bags.All luxury paper bags at Shopping Bags Mart can be customized coming in any size,color without run limit.

Euro Tote Bags

Euro tote bags are great as upscale shopping bags and promotional bags. Euro tote bags are made of super fine coated paper such as art paper and card paper, with glossy or matt lamination,all bags have turn top with reinforced paper board, so euro tote bags have strong construction, elegant looking and luxurious feeling, it is the reason why euro tote bags are used as high end shopper. And euro tote bags are versatile to fit any requirement.

As experienced paper bags manufacturer, Shopping Bags Mart specialize in manufacturing euro tote bags,euro tote shopping bags,custom printed euro tote bags coming in any size. Shopping Bags Mart can not only print any color of custom logo and image on euro tote bags, but also can offer various handles and print finishes to create personalized euro tote bags as your desire within your budget.

Kraft Paper Bags

Kraft paper bags are made of different kraft paper, kraft paper bags are 100% recyclable, kraft paper bags are great as eco friendly bags. As kraft paper bags manufacturer, Shopping Bags Mart specialize in manufacturing full range of kraft paper bags including brown kraft bags,white kraft bags,those kraft bags at  Shopping Bags Mart come in so many popular style such as twisted handle kraft bags,flat handle kraft bags,rope handle kraft bags. Shopping Bags Mart can print custom logo and image on kraft paper bags without run limit, Shopping Bags Mart also offer huge options of kraft paper,handle to build kraft bags. 

Custom Rigid Boxes

Rigid boxes,also call as set up boxes, are great as high end and premium packaging boxes and gift boxes. Because all rigid boxes have strong construction, elegant and luxurious looking.All rigid boxes are made of heavyweight paper board,covered boxes by printed art paper,textured paper,special paper,kraft paper or plain paper. The advantage of rigid boxes is that rigid boxes can come in any size,color,design, shape to fit any end.Rigid boxes are great as cosmetic boxes,jewelry boxes,apparel boxes,shoe boxes,candle boxes,wine boxes,presentation boxes,gift card boxes and more end.

Shopping Bags Mart is manufacturer of custom rigid boxes. Shopping Bags Mart can produce any style of rigid boxes including two piece rigid boxes with lift off lid,hinged lid rigid boxes,slipcase,drawer boxes,neck rigid boxes,shoulder rigid boxes.All rigid boxes at Shopping Bags Mart can be customized without run limit.

Foldable Boxes

Foldable boxes ,also called as foldable rigid boxes,collapsible rigid boxes--have the same quality looking and luxurious feeling as rigid boxes,but foldable boxes have collapsible construction, so foldable boxes can save space and freight, Foldable boxes are the best choice as premium packaging and gift boxes for high value products and gift items.

As foldable boxes manufacturer, Shopping Bags Mart specialize in manufacturing foldable boxes,foldable rigid boxes,collapsible rigid boxes. Shopping Bags Mart offer wide range of material,wrapped paper,printing,print finish to create foldable boxes coming in any size to fit your end.

Foldable Gift Boxes

As luxury gift boxes,foldable gift boxes have luxurious,elegant looking and importantly they have collapsible construction to save space and freight. As gift boxes manufacturer,Shopping Bags Mart design,manufacture and wholesale wide range of foldable gift boxes,foldable luxury gift boxes,foldable kraft gift boxes coming in so many popular sizes and colors with magnetic and ribbon closure. Shopping Bags Mart also can print custom logo on foldable gift boxes for your branding or special event.

